Leave ’em Breathless!

woman cycling
“Leave’em Breathless is a Schwinn designed workout which goes as follows:

Song: Closer, Moderate/Hard Intervals, timing 0 to 2 min easy, 2 to 5:53 min moderate (warm up)
Song: Gonna Make You Sweat, Easy/Anaerobic, timing 45 second breathless intervals with needed recovery, repeat 3 times
Song: Come Together, 50 seconds breathless with 1 min. easy recovery, repeat 5 times
Song: Paradise City to finish the above drill
Song: Do what You Want with My Body, Easy 30 seconds, Moderate 20 seconds, Breathless, 10 seconds, repeat 3 times and then encourage partner, or repeat 6 times individually (no rest)
Song: This Ain’t a Scene- It’s an Arms Race to finish the above
Song: Rods & Cones, Hard/Anaerobic 2 min, then 1:30, then 1:00, then 30 sec, with 15 second recovery between each interval (Very High Intensity)
Song: Let’s Go Crazy, Easy 1 min, Moderate 1 min, Hard 1 min, Breathless, 1 min (add 10 rpms each interval)
Song: Holding Out for a Hero, Hard 30 seconds, Partner goes hard 30 seconds, then breathless 2.5 minutes, then easy until end
Song: I just called to say I love you (easy cool down)